Living RCM Certified Consulting


  • Consulting in setting up the Living RCM Certified process.
  • Assessment phase delivers, a contractual agreement stipulating the benefits to be achieved, level of effort, cost, and work plan for integrating the Mesh Living RCM Certified process with your EAM system.


Living RCM Certified improves data quality and hence the maintenance decision process

Living RCM Certified is the missing link in the chain of observation, data, information, knowledge related to the day-to-day work order related process. It is a new yet proven concept that integrates RCM principles in efficient communication of the right information needed for Reliability Analysis – the pre-requisite for safe reliability improvement and cost reduction.

Living RCM Certified relates RCM/FMEA/FMECA and similar knowledge bases to the work order system. Each significant work order, by virtue of this relationship, contributes a sample point for Reliability Analysis. This ensures that data will truthfully support actions taken via decision models created from Reliability Analysis. For example, based on current condition monitoring data, what is the optimal decision to take? Should we intervene immediately? Should we plan to take a maintenance action at some specified time? How much time? Or is the “best” decision to continue operation until the next condition monitoring observation. How do we formulate a decision making policy to answer these questions systematically day-to-day?

Living RCM Certified addresses the 3 challenges for the achievement of the reliability from data.

  1. Management of the relationship between the work order system (CMMS, EAM, ERP) work and the RCM knowledge base,
  2. Sample generation, and
  3. Reliability analysis.

© 2018, Murray Wiseman. All rights reserved.