For years one maintenance organization has invested significant resources in all forms of improvement technology. These include a state-of-the art oil analysis laboratory, RCM, CBM integrated with CMMS, vibration analysis, diagnostics, real time monitoring, RCA, six-sigma, LEAN, TPM, Weibull, Proportional Hazard Modeling, Monte Carlo simulation, ISO 9000, 14000, 55000 and the list goes on.
Yet the tangible results of these “good intentions” remain largely elusive. Executives in the boardroom ask, “What specifically has this contributed to the bottom line?” Managers are reduced to responding with feeble generalizations.
At the same time there is an insatiable hunger among our reliability and maintenance engineers to forge ahead, analyze data, and make real, provable progress towards maximum reliability at acceptable cost. Within LRCM activities, we pin-point and remove the “wall”, the seemingly impenetrable barrier separating data analysis from profit growth. LRCM transforms day-to-day maintenance related occurrences to analyzable form. In the LRCM process each of us knows exactly what the nature of reliability enabling data is, its use, and our requirements regarding its form and content. The slides provided below describe the “nature of data”. Once the essence and purpose of data are understood, most of the analysis tools mentioned above will bear fruit.
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