Motivation, leadership, training

The reliability solution is only partially one of technology. More important  are the application of  creative techniques in motivation, leadership, and training directed toward the work order completion process.

An LRCM project implementation succeeds based on a realization that personnel respond best to the intagibles of recognition, empowerment, and interest by management. These characteristics of leadership are described in the following list:

    1. Empowerment. LRCM solicits and encourages updating of the knowledge base by those who are directly impacted by the maintenance plan – technicians, supervisors, planners, and engineers. It is their knowledge that LRCM seeks, continuously, which will impact the maintenance plan).
    2. Recognition.  The LRCM process highlights those performance indicators over which personnel have direct control. It recognizes  the knowledge  contributed by the team and/or individual employees).
    3. Visible interest. In the LRCM methodology, the manager  asks, at least weekly, about inicators that keep the team focused on those “low level KPIs that will ultimately drive bottom line maintenance performance. The low level indicators will include:
      1. Number of references between work orders and RCM knowledge base records.
      2. Number of new knowledge base records proposed.
      3. Number of revisions to existing knowledge base records proposed.
      4. Number of reliability analyses performed.
      5. Number of recommendations issued.
      6. CBM performance metrics
        1. the number of confirmed potential failures detected (i.e. hits)
        2. the number of false alarms
        3. the number of misses
        4. Confidence (standard deviation) in remaining useful life estimation (RULE)
    4. Training. The LRCM process depends on  a thorough undersanding of RCM concepts, such as Function, Failure, Cause, Effects, Consequences, potential failure, suspension, and the amount of detail justified by the consequences of failure. LRCM recognizes that Training extends beyond the classroom to the shop and the field. Meetings and informal discussions regarding issues encontered day to day are carried out reinforce the subject.

© 2011, Murray Wiseman. All rights reserved.

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