What is the difference in LRCM & EXAKT
- EXAKT is a software application for performing Reliability Analysis (RA). RA is a general set of software enabled procedures used by Reliability/Maintenance Engineers to develop and deploy rules (called models). These models optimize, monitor, and systematize day-to-day decision making in maintenance.
- RA, in order to generate realistic decision models, requires data of a specific type and quality. Living RCM (LRCM) is a work order and condition monitoring (CM) based process that provides age data of adequate quality for RA. “Age data” consists of information transmitted by the technician following execution of a work order. Age data is an accurate EAM record of observations of failure, potential failure and preventive renewal (called “suspensions”). Without properly recorded age data RA tools and software are unusable. LRCM unleashes the potential of RA by removing the key obstacle, which was inaccurate, inconsistent age data in the EAM work order database.
- What distinguishes EXAKT from other forms of RA is that it extends the dimensionality of RA to include CM data.
- EXAKT accounts for both age and CM data simultaneously within a model based decision process. EXAKT guides maintenance engineers and analysts in practical day-to-day decisions on what and when to maintain. EXAKT decisions are optimal. They are based on business factors and failure probability. Furthermore, the confidence interval of the Remaining Useful Life Estimate (RULE) is reported by the software. EXAKT eliminates ambiguity by dealing correctly with the uncertainty inherent in the failure management process. EXAKT interprets current condition data optimally.
- “Optimal” means maintaining neither too soon (too frequently) nor too late, but at the right moment to achieve the stated profitability, availability, and reliability goal. Optimal decision models report the equipment’s current state of health and recommend intervention at the right moment and on the right components.
- The software verifies the effectiveness of the maintenance organization’s process for the recurrent decision:
- Maintain immediately, the failure mode is an a potential failure state
- Maintain within a specified calendar window (e.g. within two weeks)
- Defer the decision until the next CBM data observation.making in maintenance be verifiable and reported so as to be continually improved.
- Using EXAKT and LRCM the Reliability Engineer (RE) builds and deploys optimized decision models. An optimized model is one that supports the organizational maintenance objectives, specifically those related to high availability at low cost.
- Using EXAKT / LRCM procedures and software the RE tracks and improves the effectiveness of those models
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